WordPress Reloaded
September 28, 2010
Kudos to the WordPress gurus who have recently released version 3.0 of the popular blog slash content management system (CMS) — it rocks.
In case you weren’t aware, you’re looking at a WordPress site right now.
Once known primarily as a blogging tool, it has now grown into a fully fledged CMS that is easy to use and administer, especially for newbies. Its easy to set up and get a site up and running in no time. Advanced functions like template customization and plug-in integration are still best left to the pros (hint hint) but if you want to do regular updates to your site and not pull your hair out on the learning curve, then WP is the way to go. (For an overview, see our hubpage How to Download WordPress.)
What’s more, WP is a great format for SEO mastery. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and its all about getting a web site gussied up to make Google drool all over it like a teenage boy at the junior prom. (Um, yeah, that’s a weird metaphor.)
SEO is all the rage these days, as it should be. Its the only chance your little snowball of a website has to survive the hell of, okay, time out. Gonna drop that metaphor mid sentence, its not going in the right–
How’s this? In cavemanspeak — Gork need SEO. Gork need big time web hits. WP’s elegant structure and ease of use will help Gork get the web traffic he needs to do whatever it is that cavemen do on the internet these days. (Actually, everybody knows what kind of sites cavemen — oh, brother, there I go again with the bizarre allusions. Think its time to pack it in tonight.)
So to sum up, WordPress good. You need. Google happy.